
Revision as of 10:43, 28 May 2010 by Klaus (Talk)

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NOTE: This content is under editing and might not yet reflect the final result.


The process of writing documentation of the work while using the EUDP method.

EUDP Task Outline


The dish

A documentation, that reflects the work that has been performed.


  • All phases of the EUDP



Documentation is important in all projects. But there are different requirements to how the documentation is written.

In Education

In an education situation, the process - the road the student(s) followed to get to the goal - is as important as the documentation of the product it self are.

In Industry

In the industry the process it self is less important and the focus is on the documentation of the developed. The documentation must be exactly so complete and detailed, that it enables a colleague to inherit the project and continue the work. This requires that documentation both describes the developed parts as well as the choices made during the work.

In Academia

In academic environments the documentation must reflect the way the scientist work: Describe a problem observed, formulate a hypothesis or a problem statement, describe related work, describe the method applied, describe the experiment (collection of data), describe the analysis of the experiments outcome (analysis of the data), and finally draw the conclusions and putting the work into perspective. The academic work may be iterative going through the described phases several times refining the problem statement, adjusting the experiment, etc. until it reflect the observed problem.

EUDP describes an engineering development method. EUDP can be, and are, used in education environments. In EUDP it is only described how the documentation should be when applied at universities. Companies applying EUDP or variants of it has to define their own documentation standard.

Process Documentation

The process documentation documents the work-processes, that brought the developer to the goal rather than the product it self.

It is important for the mentor to be able to see how the mentee applies the development process. In some situations this might be the only way for the mentor to correct the process that the mentee follows during the project assignment.

Product Documentation

The product documentation documents the construction, the developer has created. It must be detailed enough so the project can be handed over to another colleague. It must describe the choices made during development, so a successor don't have to try out the dead ends just to find them impracticable in the current project.


A complete example will be shown here at a later time.

Notes for further editing

Develop a System Overview Diagram - combine HW-blocks and Classes (SysML could be used).

Rich Picture should in the Launch Phase develop into the System Overview Diagram

Don't let things go into this:

Arnold's Laws of Documentation:
	(1) If it should exist, it doesn't.
	(2) If it does exist, it's out of date.
	(3) Only documentation for useless programs transcends the
	    first two laws.

Documentation artefacts:

Introduction to the reader
PreProject Phase
Rich Picture
Story cards
Preliminary use cases
Stakeholder analysis
System definition
Plan for Launch Phase
Launch Phase
General Analysis
System Overview Diagram (SOD)
Description of main blocks in SOD
Object identification
User scenarios identification
Abstract Class Descriptions
Class Diagram (SysML + UML)
Use Case descriptions
Interface identification
Interface descriptions
Identification of central functions
Description of functions
Identification of dynamics in the system
Communication Diagrams
Sequence diagrams
State machine diagrams
Exact requirements
General Architecture Design
Design criterias
Subsystem Architecture Diagram
Subsystem interface descriptions
Technical Platform
Hardware specification
Mechanical specification
Software specification
Development plan
Product acceptance
Strategy and planning
Development strategy
General verification plan
General deployment plan
General development plan
For each timebox
Timebox verification specification
Timebox deployment specification
Timebox development plan
Refactored block diagram
Refactored class diagram
Detailed use cases
User interface specification
System interface specification
Dimensioning specification
UML/SysML Deployment view(s)
Mechanical specifications and dimensioning
HW module specification per block
UML SW Deployment view
Class specification
Refactored class diagram
Use case scenarios specifications
Sequence diagrams
Mechanical drawings with details explained
Electronic diagrams with details explained
Source code with details explained
Description of integration
Module tests
Integration tests
Acceptance test
Customers signatur for acceptance
Customers general product accept
Customers general evaluation of the product
Customers evaluation of the project process
The project teams internal evaluation of the development process and process improvements
Process documentation
Summary or conclusion