Use Case Candidates

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Candidates for designing advanced use cases.


The dish

Candidates for Use Cases



Consider which situations the user could face when he uses the system. All these situations are potential candidates for a use case. Do not assess the candidates now. The gross list with all possible and less possible candidates are useful and are assessed when writing the use cases.

The customer can, with great success, be involved in this process, because it is actually the customers use of the the system we are trying to describe. Consult the customer with the list and get all comments relevant for the candidates. It might help later in the development process.


In order to be open minded and not assess any possible use case candidates before actual analysis and description of the use cases in where they may participate the developer should produce a candidate list.

Preparing the list of all possible use case candidates without assessment of the individual candidate, the developer ends up with a list probably containing at least all possible candidates.

The assessment later in analysis will eliminate the candidates not suitable for the system-to-be.


Turn the vehicle on

Turn the vehicle off

Emergency shut down

Change reading on dashboard

Read energy level

Set max speed

Read log

Set time





Used In

The candidates is used in cooperation with Actor Candidates to define the Use Cases for the system-to-be