EUDP Roadmap

Revision as of 09:59, 10 March 2010 by Klaus (Talk)

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Text labels are click able.

If you want a general introduction to the individual phases please click on the labels naming the individual phase or just on the coloured background.

<graphviz caption='EUDP overview' alt='phylogenetic tree' format='svg+png'> digraph G {

graph [ fontname = "Helvetica-Oblique",
        fontsize = 11,
        size ="11,11"];
  /* Defines the ranking for the four phases */
  node [shape=plaintext];
  edge [style=invis];
  "PreProject phase"->"Launch phase"->"Realisation phase"->"PostProject phase"->"Common Activities";

subgraph cluster_PreProject {
  /* Definition of the PreProject cluster */
  graph [ color="#CEFFCE", style=filled, URL="PreProject" ];
  node [style=filled,color=white,fixedsize=true, width=3];
  rank=same; "PreProject phase";
subgraph cluster_Launch {
  /* Definition of the Launch cluster */  
  graph [ color="#CECE9C",style=filled, URL="The_Launch_Phase" ];
  node [style=filled,color=white,fixedsize=true, width=3];
  rank=same; "Launch phase";
  "General Analysis"->"General Architecture Design"->"Technical Platform"->Contracting;
PreContracting->"General Analysis";
subgraph cluster_Realisation {
  /* Definition of the Realisation cluster */
  graph [ color="#A5CE9C", style=filled, URL="Realisation_Phase" ];
  node [style=filled,color=white,fixedsize=true, width=3];
  rank=same; "Realisation phase";
  "Strategy & Planning"->"Analysis"->"Design"->"Implementation"->"Verification"->"Deployment";
Contracting->"Strategy & Planning";
Deployment->"Strategy & Planning";
subgraph cluster_PostProject {
  /* Definition of the PostProject cluster */
  graph [ color="#9CCEC6", style=filled , URL="Post_Project_Phase"];
  node [style=filled,color=white,fixedsize=true, width=3];
  rank=same; "PostProject phase"; "Product Accept"->"Product Evaluation"->"Project Evaluation";
subgraph cluster_CommonActivities {
  /* Definition of the Comomon Activities cluster */
  graph [rankdir=LR, color="#CEAD9C", style=filled, compound=true, URL="Common_Activities"]
  node [style=filled,color=white,fixedsize=true, width=3];
  edge [style=invis];
  rank=same; "Common Activities";
  "Human Processes" -> "Risk Management" -> "Hardware Development" - "Review Techniques" -> "Verification - common";
"Start" [shape=diamond];
"End" [shape=diamond];
"Project Evaluation"->"End";
Deployment->"Product Accept";
"Technical Platform"->"General Analysis";
"Common Activities"->"PreProject phase";
"Common Activities"->"Launch phase";
"Common Activities"->"Realisation phase";
"Common Activities"->"PostProject phase";
  1. "Review Techniques"->"Launch phase";
  2. "Hardware Development"->"Launch phase";
  3. "Hardware Development"->"Launch phase";
  4. "Hardware Development"->"Launch phase";
  5. "Human Processes"->"PreProject phase";
  6. "Human Processes"->"Launch phase";
  7. "Review Techniques"->Analysis;
  8. "Review Techniques"->Design;
  9. "Review Techniques"->"Launch phase";
  10. "Verification - common"->"Launch phase";
  11. "Risk Management"->"Launch phase";
  12. "Risk Management"->"General Architecture Design";
/* Definition of the accompanying URLs */
PreAnalysis [URL="Pre_Analysis"];
PreContracting [URL="Pre_Contracting"];
"General Analysis" [URL="General_Analysis"];
"General Architecture Design" [URL="General_Architecture_Design"];
"Technical Platform" [URL="Technical_Platform_Overview"];
Contracting [URL="Contracting"];
"Strategy & Planning" [URL="Strategy_and_Planning"];
Analysis [URL="Analysis"];
Design [URL="Design"];
Implementation [URL="Implementation"];
Verification [URL="Verification"];
Deployment [URL="Deployment"];
"Product Accept" [URL="Product_Accept"];
"Product Evaluation" [URL="Product_Evaluation"];
"Project Evaluation" [URL="Project_Evaluation"];
"Hardware Development" [URL="Hardware_Development"];
"Human Processes" [URL="Human_Processes"];
"Review Techniques" [URL="Review_Techniques"];
"Verification - common" [URL="Verification_-_common"];
"Risk Management" [URL="Risk_Management"];
"PreProject phase" [URL="PreProject"];
"Launch phase" [URL="The_Launch_Phase"];
"Realisation phase" [URL="Realisation_Phase"];
"PostProject phase" [URL="Post_Project_Phase"];

/* "CommonActivities" [URL="Common_Activities"]; */ }